Magda Embury Attorneys

Queensgate House, 5th Floor 113 South Church St., P.O. Box 10161, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, KY1-1002
345-769-4501 Phone
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by Xandie
Cayman attorneys are usually pretty expensive, but Magda Embury's prices are decent! I went to them to get my estate in line and write a will and they really helped me. I would recommend them!

Magda Embury Attorneys has been practicing in the Cayman Islands since 1998, and is a member of the Cayman Islands Law Society. A recognized lawyer in the real estate and corporate fields, she has a focus on local, business-related law. 

Magda Embury offers a wide variety of law services, including corporate, commercia, finance, mutual funds, employment and immigration. She is an expert on legal issues relating to Cayman Enterprise City, and is also available to consult on issues of wills, estates, probates and trusts.